Saturday 26 January 2013

Flying High

Here are the promised (and delayed) pictures of one of my flights this past week. Not too many as the main point of going up is for me to fly, not play around!!! I went up at just after 6am on a beautifully clear morning with the sun still just peeping its face over the mountain ridges! Not many better ways to enjoy God's glory than in nature, and being so high watching a sunrise over the land just makes it even better! I also took some shots before the flight just for the fun of it.

 Notice the bird?
 One day when I'm big, I get to fly the twin! :P
 But for now this is my ride! :)

 The hot air balloons took the opportunity of a beautiful morning too!

Friday 11 January 2013

New Year

New Year! First Post! No Pictures? Time to take a break from the pictures! This last week has been a blast for me, and I'm going to tell you about it here now, so I have decided to take a break from pics and also incorporate posts with JUST WORDS..... GASSSSSSSPPPP! (I'll include a 'color-in' section every now and then if you get bored with just words hehehe).

Friday, January the fourth, I officially started my flying lessons at Skyhawk Aviation Lanseria, and in the week since have logged my first 6.3 flying hours! Half the purpose of this blog is for me to share the next couple of years of training and fun and experiences with all that care to read it, and this is the start of a long story for me! As I said, I have had a blast, getting to fly last Friday, this Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, with briefing a session before every flight. Although a misconception is that pilots have it easy with studying, there is much studying to be done as I have to complete 7 exams with a pass rate of 75% as well as classroom time of around 1.5 hours before every flight! Wednesday is just a briefing day, with no flying! This is all just for a basic Private Pilot's License (PPL). Who's complaining though? I get to spend my days 7,000 feet up... or at least in a classroom at the airport!

This coming Monday morning I will be starting with my first week of ground school (a pilot's 'official' classroom time in preparation for these exams) but luckily I will still get to fly after the morning sessions! I will hopefully get comfortable enough with my surroundings to take my camera with this week, as this will become a photo report from now on at every opportunity! Next post should have some cool pictures! 
So I can't wait to get back in the air, and I hope you look forward to hearing about each big step that I blog about!

Here's to 6.4 hours...!

P.S. I really couldn't resist a picture, so here is a picture of  the plane I have spent my week in :D

(Credit to Marius Barnard)