Thursday 14 July 2016

Back Again!


Where do I begin? 18 months since my last post... not sure if that is a question or a statement!?

As this blog is mostly a timeline for myself to look back on one day, this will just be a quick update to fill in the blanks, i.e. the last 18 months! 

2 weeks after obtaining my CPL in November 2014, I was blessed enough to be offered my first full time employment. Unfortunately it was not a flying job, but rather working in flight operations for one of the top air ambulance companies in the world, and certainly the best on the continent! I knew with my low hours that this would most probably be the case and even though I am still searching for that first flying opportunity 18 months later, I would not give back any of the great operational experience I have obtained.

These are the life and industry lessons that they just can't teach you in flight school and they will stand me in good stead when I am flying one day. In this time I have saved and bought my first car, learned to work hard shifts through the night and most days of the month including weekends (we operate 24/7/365), learned a great amount about operating and flying jet aircraft in an incredibly demanding environment from some great pilots that have become my friends and mentors, and a ton of other things!

As of 1 July 2016, my company has undergone some significant changes and we are expanding at a huge rate! I look forward to keeping track again of the little milestones through the coming months. 

P.S. I am still flying at least once a month and am keeping my license very current should an opportunity come knocking, and still love every minute of being up in the air like it was day 1. It has been 3 and a half years since that first flight lesson that I so eagerly blogged about. I wouldn't change the time since that for anything, and look forward to seeing where I am in another 3 years!

- Kyle