Friday 23 November 2012

The Mother City

The Mother City, Cape Town, is an amazing place to visit in South Africa as it has the feel of a completely different country. A family holiday there as we had recently is a great time to relax and enjoy the beaches and sun, and being such a beautiful place I was more than pleased to photograph our trip. With so much to do and see, the only real trouble of a holiday in this city is sorting through and choosing only a handful of pictures to post here! Here are my favorites...

Everywhere you look are beautiful mountains
The kite surfers were showing off on Camps Bay beach
The flora in the Cape is amazing, as seen in a couple of pics here

The V&A waterfront and harbor is the hub of activity in Cape Town

Supper with a view of the silhouetted Table Mountain 
Some of the best (and coldest) beaches in the world

"Seagull 224, you are cleared for take off"
These colorful huts adorn many Cape beaches, and are great to photograph

No trip to Cape Town is complete without a trip to the aquarium

Yes, this is a real sea horse
And this is a real penguin
And this is a real..... AAAAAAAaaaaaaaHHHHHhhhhh!!!!!

It isn't Cape Town without sharks!
The fam

Very typical Cape Dutch architecture in the wine lands. This farm is over 300 years old!
View out the back of the farm house
Weather and geography combine to form weird and interesting sights!
The cable car up Table Mountain, not for the faint of heart!
Yet the view from the top is well worth the trip up!
No he is not dead, this lazy dassie is just sun tanning
Camps Bay from the top
I just had to photograph myself eventually! 
The white in the background is cloud, below Table Mountain!
Say cheese!
The harbor/waterfront

Sadly, a gingerbread man was injured in the making of this photograph, but only after posing in front of Table Mountain first!
Very interesting wildlife in the Cape, and not afraid of coming close in hope of food
Eyeing out Table Mountain
One of the Natural Wonders of the World, Table Mountain is a landmark of the Cape
Clifton has, in my opinion, one of the nicest beaches in the world!
(Probably my favorite photograph of the trip!)

It wouldn't be the beach without sand in your toes!
The faithful steed that carried us around!!!
I wasn't going to miss an opportunity of being at the airport with my camera!
Who would win this game of 'chicken'?

Sunday 11 November 2012

"God created the heaven and the earth."

Now to finally get round to the 'creation' side of things. I have been collecting some pictures of nature in general from around our farm and with them I aim to point to God, the creator of it all! Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:3 "Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." 

Luke 12:24 "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!"

Yes, God even created these creepy crawlies
And these...
And He sends the rain
Or hail!