Monday 5 November 2012

South African Air Force Museum

On Saturday November 3, I made my way to Air Force Base Swartkop in Pretoria to visit the SAAF Museum's monthly flying day. The Museum has an historic collection of static and airworthy ex-air force planes to be proud of, and it uses these monthly flying days to raise awareness and much needed funds. Truly a world class museum! Armed with my camera and my buddy Tim, we went to admire and photograph the planes. Here are some of the better results!

The SAAF skydiving team, the Golden Eagles, open up the morning with an exciting jump. Credit to Tim Mew
A beautiful Allouette II of the SAAFM ready for takeoff
Ex Silver Falcons Impala Mk I 
Boeing 707 tanker now retired from the SAAF
The old SAAF roundel 
Beautifully painted in camo is this Mirage IIIBZ
Silver skinned Mirage IIIBZ
War Trophy - Angolan Mig 21
The beautiful mechanics of the Mirage F1 landing gear
AFB Swartkop, Pretoria
Stunning P51 Mustang of the Korean War, 'Patsy Dawn'
Now retired Cheetah painted as a... Cheetah!
Avro Shackleton
Famous Harvards of the SAAF
Nelson the Harvard
Wonderfully kept Harvard 7111
Great airworthy example of the De Havilland Vampire
Vampire, pre - takeoff
Harvard 7111
Harvard 7072

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