Tuesday 9 July 2013

Night Rating

As of yesterday the 8th of July, I hold a night rating too! 

I passed my flight test after a wonderful evening of flying around the Gauteng area with Ross King, who also did my initial PPL test! Basically what this means is that everything my PPL allows me to do, I can now do at night as well! This is the first step towards my Commercial Pilots License so I am very glad to have it!

For the next number of months all I need to do is build my hours and write my Commercial exams. The CPL requires 200 hours minimum total time of which 100 hours must be PIC (Pilot In Command/No instructor on board). I estimate these hours to take no less than 6 months to achieve! On top of this are the 8 Commercial subjects which I have to write as well, with the 75% pass mark in the back of my mind for added err... encouragement!

Towards the latter stages of my hour building I will begin my ME IF rating. ME stands for Multi Engine while IF is your Instrument rating. What is nice is that these go hand in hand, you do the IF rating in a twin engined aircraft and get both ratings simultaneously! 

Now hopefully with all my hour building flights I will be able to take my camera with and get those pictures I have wanted to take for ages but haven't been able to due to being under instruction on most of my flights up to this point! 

With about 120 hours to go, I think I should switch the computer off and go find an airplane that needs to be flown...!

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