Wednesday 21 May 2014

Best Flight Ever

Hello again! 
So here is a picture of my best flight ever! It was my first experience of aerobatics and my first experience of Warbirds too!

The aircraft, Harvard 7166 (ZU-AOZ) of the South African Air Force (retired). Built in the late 1930's to early 1940's, that makes this aircraft 70+ years old! They were designed for the purpose of training WWII pilots before stepping up to aircraft like the P-51 Mustang! This was a dream come true, thanks to my parents for organising me a birthday present like no other! 

Stay tuned as I had a GoPro camera with me and will post a link to the footage once it has been edited!

This is what she looks like in entirety. (photo by Stuart Soden)

Did I mention... BEST FLIGHT EVER!

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