Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Post

So it's about time I got to go shoot something again! The S.A. Museum of Military History is a nice visit and I have been going their since I was a small boy, but the SAAF C47 Dakota was definitely new to me! She made for one or two nice shots! Also included are a few random 'around the house' pics done in holiday spirit, plus a few of a very beautiful, dark, storm sky from a few weeks ago! Enjoy...

 SAAF C47 Dakota

 I would say "find me in the picture", but that would be too easy right...
 Bella, our special needs dog!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Editing Pictures

So, I haven't been out to photograph anything in a while, but in the meantime I have been playing with Adobe Lightroom for editing and watermarks etc. I decided to play around with probably my favorite image to date and this is how it came out. The unedited original pic can be found in my Dikhololo post too for comparison!
*EDIT* I have now also added another pic I took at the SAAF Museum in November after some color enhancement and sharpening!

Sunday 9 December 2012

Dikhololo Holiday

My friend Justin and I were privileged to go on a holiday together to Dikhololo Game Reserve in the Northwest. We had a great week of swimming, playing tennis and squash and golf among other things. The highlight of the week was probably Thursday when we had a surprise visit by a large number of Mongoose (Plural Mongeese? Hehehe!) at our door step. They happily fed out of our hands while I happily clicked away at them as it is not every day that you get so close to wildlife! To top off the day, that afternoon we were greeted at our door by a lone female Kudu. As we came around the corner out of the doorway, we were greeted by a further seven Kudu, including three large males. Justin fed them while I shot them... with my camera of course! Here are my favorites including a few other animals at other times.

 Even a braai can be a cool photo opportunity
 This shy guy was just finishing crossing the road... and taking forever

 The first Mongoose arrive

 Then a few more
 They know how to chill

 S M I L E
 A few more join the party

 The babies are really cute and playful
 Begging for food

 This dassie came and spoiled the party
 But then the Kudu joined us

Yes, the closest one is inside our room!

Friday 7 December 2012

Prebo's Wedding

Our dear friends Precious and Lebo finally tied the knot on Saturday, December 1. There was a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful bride (you didn't look too bad either Presh), and to top it off it was a Godly wedding for a change with a deeper meaning than just "I do... until I want a divorce." Unfortunately I didn't get nearly as many pics as hoped but here are some for all to enjoy! What a fun time! Oh Happy Day...

 The happy couple leaving the church
Presh showing off his new bride

 Proud parents
 Don't worry Lebs, I have more where this came from!

 The paparazzi had to be fought off with big sticks!

Who knows...?

 "What did the one photographer say to the other?" I don't know but it must have been funny!
 A brotherly moment

 For some it was all just too much to handle!

 The next happy couple? I think so!

 The only day Lebo would ever let me photograph her
 Too much pudding Kgao!

What a special day. May God bless you two!