Tuesday 2 April 2013

Update :)

It's been a while since my last post, I know!
I have been very busy scurrying through my PPL exams (4 out of 7 completed) and finishing off my solo GF hours at the same time, while trying hard to think of something better to do with my life (just as an exercise of curiosity). I am pleased to announce I cannot think of anything better! I am hoping to finish my PPL in the next month, but at most it should take another two months to complete, as it is mainly dependent on my exams, with my practical training nearing an end already! I look forward to posting my completion next, but for now I can just post some more pics that I have taken and found recently of some of the most amazing machines on earth!
Enjoy! (Photo credits where due are on photographs)

 Where it began for most, as children!

 My current cockpit C172
 My current aircraft C172
 What I would like to be flying in a few short years
 And then perhaps...?

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